Juices and Concentrates for Fermentation and Flavoring Growers Co-op

Depending on your product strategy of labrusca and/or vinifera, Growers’ Co-op’s Concord, Niagara, Catawba, and other juices provide you with the opportunity to add new or value-priced products to your offering, or to have juice throughout the year for processing and selling. Whether you are large or small, near or far, need concentrate or single strength, Contact Us to determine what Packaging and Shipment Options make sense for you.

Our super fruit concentrates (Blueberry, Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry) are popular among microbreweries for developing their own signature flavors and seasonal brews. See our Packaging and Shipment Options.

Craft Distillers
While everyone is producing similar grain spirits, we enable you to invent a unique clear spirit that differentiates your product from the rest of the pack. Spirits from fermented grape juice can have a caché of our super fruit concentrates, which enables you to get really creative with fruits that are sought after for their reported health benefits. Contact Us if you need help finding someone to ferment for you.